The presentation of the pages Jardin Helvetia
has been done for best formatting with the MSIExplorer.
Resolution of the screen :
1024 x 768 Pixel
Browser :
MSIE 5.5
Display / Size
Due to the utilisation of css there is no need to set up the text size
Prparation of page for printout :
left 19, right 19, top 19, bottom 19 mm
Standard printout :
Headerline : &w &b Page &p/&P
Footerline : &u &b &d - &t
Browser :
NN 4.x
You know, the designers of browsers are not always using the official
standard settings, therefore there is no optimized view available for the NN !
Maybe later!
Display / Size
Due to the utilisation of css there is no need to set up the text size